Friday, October 19, 2012

Who’s Calling The Shots?

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We will grapple with opposition as long as there’s a world to occupy. But, tragedy is we often perceive the people (the bringers of bad luck) involved as challenges in themselves. That’s taking it a little too far, don’t you think?

You got it all wrong when you got your rage misplaced. Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.’ (I think Maya Angelou said that.) The struggles you tackle are like chisels for carving masterpieces from artless rock. And the fools who bring ‘em are exactly that.

It’s to your credit to engage your dreams in the midst of raw opposition. There are times, it’s a natural response when you’re under heavy fire, you view your goals lurking on the other side of impossible. These are the moments you need to believe in the worth of your aspirations or you will get distracted. This is the primary objective of a conflict, what it drives for when it sneaks up on you. To steer your focus off your locus.

You ain’t going to remember pursuit of a vision when you’re way in over your head chasing after phantasmas. Turn the spotlight on bitterness for a minute. When bitterness trundles in a room with its crew, joy flies out the window. In the absence of joy and enthusiasm, your mission peels away in narrow strips in the ball of your fist.

Tons of experiences are chucked out when you waste your strength on people. Holding out under pressure opens you up to latent power, potentials buried deep within you. Like fuel to dying embers. It renews your faith in your dream.

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘Time wasted can never be regained?’  While you’re busy fighting people, opposition is taking bigger chunks of your time, poisoning your dream. To pay the cost, to be the boss, to be the one calling the shots, you need to stay on the grind.

Keep your pen bleeding!


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