Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What Will a Writing Career Add to Your Life?

Before taking up the call to live by the pen (which automatically sets you up to die by the pen), or if you already crossed that bridge but discovered that, by a stint of fate, the land of the imagination is sealed off by the Dragons of Self-Doubt, do a little turning inward.

What will a writing career add to your life?

A million writers will without a doubt, answer that question in a million different, unique ways. But it is a subject any wo/man who casts him/herself wholly into the waters of make-believe–to captain his/her ship must be prepared to deal with before taking the plunge.

Maybe You Seek:
The opportunity to explore a universe unknown which only writing (possibly, fiction) can bridge;
The rhythm that thrums and binds your passion for language;
The fulfillment derived from creating people–chimeras–like a magician pulls rabbits out of hats. Something people would come to adore or fear as real;
The thrill of scaring the heck out of folks or on the other hand, watching people’s faces lit up as a smile twitches a corner of their lips from reading one of your creations;
The pleasure of getting paid for doing something you love;
Or is it just the money? (I hope to God, it isn’t)

Photo credit: Flickr
It would benefit you greatly to set forth on a trip as thrilling and appalling as a career in writing with a destination and end-result in mind. You want to grab a jackhammer, the extra pack of ammo, your map. And don’t forget your binoculars.

I’m not trying to steal nobody’s life as a writer. But you need to know these things; Know why you’re a writer. Why you even bother to rise early to stare at a blank page or the bland whiteness of your PC. Why you tear out your hair and rave on and on and on about finding new ideas for writing.

Hey! Think about it. What’s in it for you?

Be Honest with Yourself
Rephrasing Stephen King,
‘Folks who practice this art honestly would continue to practice them even if they were not paid for their efforts; even if their efforts were criticized or even reviled; even on pain of imprisonment or death.’

Stop what you’re doing and look long and deep within you. Really ask yourself this question:
What will a writing career add to my life?

You might be amazed.

Let your pen bleed!


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