Friday, September 7, 2012

Writing Every Day: Steven Barnes

Well, look at this. We made it back again. I've had to change my blog template a little bit and the header. Hope you like it.

My writing schedule up until two or so years back was pretty much cutout; write every day, all day. I wrote every chance I got. I never did this to meet a specific word count; I just kept up my scribbling until something else came up or sleep took me.

The difference between my writing in recent years and the early years is this: These days, I write to a quota.

Back then, I wrote poetry and lyrics.

Over 400 newsletters, every one of ‘em teaching, urging, pushing me on writing and personal development have popped into my inbox courtesy of Steven Barnes (that’s the guy in the picture with his wife, Tananarive).
            Steve re-introduced me to fiction and story writing. I was all over poetry and lyrics before I met him. For the past three years, I’ve had Steve’s famous words posted on my laptop desktop. The one that states,

“Write Every Day. Read Ten Times As Much As You Write!”

We have an interesting model for excellence in this business. This is the part three of the Writing Every Day series, and hopefully, the last of the whole business. Now, let’s concentrate on writing, shall we?

1. Write Like You Gotta
            “Don’t let false modesty make you retreat from your own excellence.” – Steven Barnes

There’s no humility or humbility (quoting Dickens) about this. You’re either aiming high, reaching for excellence in your writing life or you’re not. It’s just as blunt as it is. Putting your talent to use means the real you living lavishly legendary. Tell yourself this ain’t about besting somebody else, it’s not about making folks bow down to kiss the soles of your feet, either. Let nobody talk you out of your dream saying you’re overdoing it!
            Every day, as you enter your writing space, come with the attitude that this is one thing you just can’t exist and not get yourself completely lost in. You’ll find that nothing and nobody can discourage you from coming into the fullness that awaits the consistent writer.

2. Write for Mastery
“Any skill you wish to master must be addressed every day. Even if you don’t spend a huge amount of time at it.” – Steven Barnes.

Writing as a daily affair ain’t all about getting a certain quota of words on paper. It’s not even about proving to yourself or people that you can do it (although, sometimes this can act as incentive and get you going on particularly dry days).

Above all else, writing every day is for mastery of your craft. It’s probably the strongest reason why you don’t need to know where the damn things headed all the time.
You’re training your senses to switch in and out of the zone at the snap of your fingers.

3. You Need Guts!
            “The world needs your stories, and you must have confidence to serve that need.” – Steven Barnes

If you thought this was all about you, think again. God gave you something to do. It’s the guiding light your world has been waiting for.

Every day as you write or when you feel you ain’t up to it, remember somebody out there is waiting for your story. That’s one sure-fire way to get you scrambling out of bed and scrawling till your fingers ache.

4. Write with Passion
We’ve been talking about writing every day but what exactly does one write about? Steven Barnes answers that question with these words;

            “What are you must passionately interested in?
            What imagery pops into your dreams most regularly?”

Making a commitment to come to the pages of your journal every day could be a trifle intimidating. Thinking about all those blank pages waiting to be filled can throw a jump into the most courageous of hearts.
            ‘What the hell am I supposed to write?’ Anything you damn well please. Just let the words flow from your heart. Don’t worry about making a lot of sense. Let the words figure themselves out. Your job is to be present at your table and take the dictations from your muse.

5. Unlock Your Creativity
“You also need the clearest, most direct and open channel to your creativity that you can find.” – Steven Barnes

You’re mining deep into your subconscious for the hidden self. Writing every day unlocks and develops your writer’s voice. That’s the reason you need to let the words flow naturally. It may sound stupid sometimes but you gotta keep writing if you want to meet the guy on your inside face to face!

Forget Not To Remember

Write every day. Read ten times as much as you write. Unless you are doing this, forget all the fancy lessons…

1,000 words a day for three years would take you to the magic “million word” mark, at which you are operating in a completely different space from those who have never imposed such discipline. – Steven Barnes

Imagine how you would feel three years from now and one million words to your credit. Now, take that feeling and explode off the page. I’ll be seeing you around in three year eh… sorry, I mean soon.
Keep your eyes locked on the dream and you know how to do that, don’t you? Of course,

… Keep your pen bleeding!


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  1. oh, my, what thoughts! I also try to scribble something and your article was very strongly felt. It is very informative. Though it may be not possible to do so, I am going to try it more and more. Thank u very much for your valuable advice. I bookmarked your blog.

    1. Thank you for commenting on my blog, Blue Lotus. I appreciate it. ;-)


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