Saturday, June 26, 2021

Critical Race Theory

Many American schools have banned or tried to, the teaching
of  the Critical Race Theory to their students.


Let's talk Critical Race Theory

Let's blow off some steam

Offload this hypothetical bullshittery

See if we can be a team.

Let's measure the distance from white

To the color called black

Make it plain like the white

Running down the middle of the track.

Why did they build bridges

That fly over black communities,

To connect illustrious neighborhoods

And expect us to see good in the hood

When the system don't feel the heat

Cause they put the claptrap on repeat.

All the major highways

Seem to keep running a-ways

From quarters of the black race.

How does a system

Raised on white superiority

Complex deliver on the long-term

On issues of racial equality?

We perish

Cause the things we cherish

Take us thru college

But fall short of the supply

Of the appropriate knowledge

To make us all see eye to eye.

Let's talk racism

And all negativism

That keep blacks from the

Rise to the top of the food chain

Let's talk about Juneteenth

And the point of the new holiday,

If the history it celebrates

Does nothing to exonerate

The folks it emancipates.

My point is we need new laws

Rising from knowledge of

Equality of all racial colors

We y'all need to understand

The basis of the Critical Race Theory

Or we'd be shooting blanks

If we ain't armed as a blue ribbon jury.


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