Monday, January 12, 2015

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Pageviews

An image in a post paints up a scene where a neon-lit signpost baths the floors of an alley with its brilliance on a moonless night. And it's because like the neon tube, a picture transmits info on a different wavelength effectively, creating knockout first impressions which casts a spell on visitors to your site. The offshoot of it all is your audience is furnished with picturesque cause to visit again.

Pictures can make or remake your blog. Should that statement interpret as “you can't enjoy a steady flow of traffic if you don't use images?” I could say yeah and we could argue about it all day. Thing is I'm not going to. What you can do for yourself is take a look around the WWW for a moment. Do the math and come up with your own conclusions. Surf any of the big sites, popular for its content. Did you notice the smattering of images on “every” article? Maybe, you should close your eyes and imagine the same page without the graphics. It is a fact you can’t unsee the upshot of pictures especially, if they are done well.

Images are magnets that attract attention. Sometimes, a well-timed portrait might be all it takes to pull a crowd. Take it from an angle; your title and content bring in one kind of folks and your images another. I think that kind of doubles the effect, if you catch my drift.

They are a good distraction, too (which is why you have to make a visual representation pass across some form of message). Readers will feast on these things if they are done magnificently. "An appropriate piece says a lot more about your content than the words themselves because pictures communicate on a level only pictures can." Besides, take a long look at some of those bare posts (yours or someone else's). I bet they seem a bit 'stripped.' Think of images as a covering for your write-ups. Has it ever crossed your mind how using images can land you and your blog a feature on Google Images search page and by extension, Google Search?

Some other payoff of blogging pictures is they give your blog an “official touch.” Your posts get the feel of a magazine or Ezine. But keep watch you do not fall into the trap of excess; there is such a thing as too many illustrations, you know? If you are not displaying art for the fun of it or pictures with quotes embedded or portraits of persons and/or books relevant to the topic under discussion, and unless your blog is especially, dedicated to photography, I'm not a stickler for rules but it would do you a world of good if you stick to two per post tops. If your readers can't see the post for the pics, that's a cue you're doing it wrong. Images are like wild flowers, they are good, but carefully picked ones are better.

One more as a parting gift and we're done here,
“If you have to paint a picture, use the brightest colors.”

Keep your pens bleeding.


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