Sunday, June 2, 2013

IntShoWriMo 2013: DAY 2

African Pear Tree with Fruit. Courtesy:
Today’s Prompt:
You put your house on the market and, on the first day, an extremely old woman comes knocking on your door. She’s not interested in buying your house, though. Instead, she tells you that this is the house she lived in as a child. The friendly mood suddenly changes when she reveals something terrible that took place in the house years ago.

Link for Day 2: DAY 2: Plague House Word Count: 2,721

Wish I could write the prompt says it all. But that would be lazy. I’m supposed to add my own twist to the story, right?

The rains are upon us in Nigeria. And it just so happens to be the season for the African pear. Many people probably never heard of the African pear fruit before. It’s what you got in the image up there. It goes best with roasted or boiled maize corn. Take it with any of the two and it slides down your throat like silk. Oil palm plantations like African pear trees are lush in down south Nigeria. I employed these two items in inventing a story of the paranormal about a house that didn’t much fancy families.

In the words of one of the characters in the story,
“Something here does not have much respect for family maybe, because it was deprived of its loved ones in its own lifetime.” 

Read the full story here, DAY 2: Plague House

Keep your pen bleeding.


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