Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fiction Writers Write Fiction

Writers write!
Fiction writers write fiction!
It’s as simple as that.

Unless, you are doing this (writing fiction, that is) you can toss your dreams of becoming a fiction writer.

There are other privileges to savor besides mastery. Mastery, without a doubt, is important. But familiarity is almost as crucial as the former. You have to be head over heels in love with your craft or you’re nuts to be messing around with it in the first place.

Time invested building yourself up in your art–honing your craft–deepens your connect with your inner personality. Committing a large portion of your time to writing fiction eventually makes fiction one of your deepest needs. You learn to make time for your writing, to focus your thoughts and energy on fiction.
You can’t fall in love with a thing and not be stuck on it–not be emotionally attached to it. Your emotions are arguably, the best transport for your art. The same is true about your art; it is the greatest vehicle for channeling your emotions.

Staying on your grind, keeping at your fiction creates a space you gradually become aware of and you grow familiar with your craft as a direct process. In this place, everything is possible. It’s the magic in fiction and it works like . . . well, magic!

All your dreams, your hopes and fears attain a level of intelligence and adopt unique and personal expressions. Your fictional people come to life to a point you hear their very heartbeat and operate on the same frequency with them. It all comes down to the intensity of your dedication to fiction; you can switch in and out of this zone at the snap of a finger.

It’s the way things will always turn out when you make time for your talent, your art and your career. You gotta write a whole lot of fiction (probably, beginning with the short fiction) and keep at fiction writing if you want to come out as a writer of fiction.

Writer’s write.
Fiction writers write fiction.
Keep this thought always, at the top of your mind and you’ll be alright.

Let your pen bleed!


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