Thursday, September 13, 2012

7 Ways Random Writing Can Boost Your Output

Seeking the best technique to get you out of that uncharacteristically fallow period and boost your output a 100% more?

What you need, my friend is random writing!

This statement raises an interesting question:
                                    What is random writing?

Random Writing is talking on paper.
It’s the process where the writer freely expresses his feelings and thoughts as he pours out the contents of his heart on the page without stopping to edit.

That sounds a lot like free writing but it’s not. Free writing is done in careless abandon and is a kind of prewriting process that helps you unclog your mind and get on with the real project. Random writing is the real project in draft! I’ll talk more on this later.

What I’m about presently, is how this writing device can boost your output.

1. Discover Something to Write
Random writing does not require a title or a theme. You put your pen to the paper and let the first words that appear guide the flow. Just keep on writing and you’ll be amazed.

2. Bust the Block
Do I need to explain this one?
One of the best ways to get your juice flowing when you’re stuck is to random write. Just talk to yourself on paper. Sometimes, a little rambling might be sufficient to give you a good wind but don’t let up if it don’t happen when you expect.

3. Stay Focused
You are either a writer or you’re not. Writer’s write, it’s as simple as that. Juggle your creativity, stay in the middle of the road with random writing.

4. Develop A Unique Writing Voice
One of the benefits of conscious writing is that it opens up your soul to soar. You are given wings to explore the details of the real self. The deeper you reach within you to splash raw words on the pages of your journal, the closer you come to carving a niche for your writing style. You ain’t writing to fulfill a specific writing structure and this helps you discover how you truly sound on paper.

5. Invent A Writing Style
When you lay raw, unedited words on paper, it’s not impossible to stumble on a new style of writing. Especially, if you do stuff like poetry. Because, this kind of writing is not planned, you might create a seemingly random pattern in your writing and come to adopt it as a personal style. It happened to me!

6. Stay Productive
Your mind is always talking. Capture those words on paper and judge ‘em later. You are always certain of stuff to write without the over thinking involved.

7. Conquer self-Doubt
Defeat the inner critic who keeps screaming, “You know you can’t write!”
Write anyway!

You write without thinking too much about what to write. Let the words flow one after the other. Don’t try to judge, put everything down. There’ll be time enough for editing.
You won’t need everything you write but the ones you do need will make all the difference.

Keep your pen bleeding!


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